Increase The loading Speed Of Your Blog- As a user, you will always want to open the blog or website that has a loading speed, that means that the blog is open quickly. You do not have to wait 10 sec, 15 sec to read the information given on it. 

 Increase The loading Speed Of Your Blog
 Increase The loading Speed Of Your Blog

Today, users have no patience for websites with poor load speeds or performance. If your blog takes more time to load, then people will move to another blog by pressing the back button from your blog.

In addition to Visitors, Search Engine also likes the blog whose loading time is low, so in today's post I am going to tell you how to increase the loading speed of BlogSpot blog.

The Importance of Website Load Time

Since 2010, Google has added page load speed to its ranking algorithm. The faster your website load will be, the more the user experience. In 2010, Google said that only 1% of search engine results was affected by the page speed ranking signal.

Google Webmaster Central Blog: July 2018, page speed will be a ranking factor for mobile searches.

Google has also clarified this, if your content is the best, slow load time will not affect your ranking much.

Note: The intent of the search query is still a very strong signal, so a slow page may still rank highly if it has great, relevant content.

Not only in the search engine ranking but also in user experience I have too much importance of Page Speed.

One study showed that 40% of web users will not go back to that website, if that site loads, it takes longer than 4 seconds. More than 47% of internet users expect a web page to be loaded within 2 seconds.

Keeping this in mind, you have to optimize your blog in such a way as to reduce its load time.

How To Check Website Speed ?

So far, we have come to know that our blog has to reduce the loading speed, but first of all how to check the speed of our site or how to find out what our site's loading speed is?

Online There are so many tools, such as GTmetrix, PageSpeed ​​Insights, Pingdom Tools, Web PageTest etc. With the help of which you can check the speed of your blog and why the site load time is high, it gives us full information about it.

PageSpeed ​​Insights:

Google's Pagespeed Insights tool is the most popular tool for speed checking on your blog. Most bloggers must know or use this tool.

How To Encrease The loading Speed Of Your Blog | 7 Awesome Tips
How To Encrease The loading Speed Of Your Blog | 7 Awesome Tips

This tool tells you how many percent of your blog's speed is optimized for both desktop and mobile, by analyzing your blog's URL and giving us some suggestions below to improve your page speed.

There's also a Chrome extension for Pagespeed Insights that you can install in your browser and check the speed of blog.

If your blog's Mobile and Desktop Optimization is more than score 85 (out of 100) here, then your blog speed is well optimized. You do not need to do much more.

Pingdom Tools:

Pingdom,How To Encrease The loading Speed Of Your Blog | 7 Awesome Tips

Pingdom is another popular website that checks your page loading time and gives you overview about the overall performance of your site.

Here's the page load time of Extra Sahayeta blog which is 3.54 second, this is not so special. It tells you which elements are more time loaded in your page, as well as the idea of ​​external script which takes maximum time to load.

How To Increase The Speed Of Blogspot ?

With so many pugins in Wordpress blog that make our work easy, Blogger is Google's service on which we do not have access to fill and there are limited features. To improve the loading speed of your BlogSpot blog, you have to follow all the tips below as well.

1: Use Fast Loading Template

The speed of your blog depends largely on you, which theme / template you have used. On the Internet you will find many free and paid templates but before using template you must definitely review whether it is SEO friendly, fast loading, mobile friendly or not.

When you create a blog, select a good template and use the same template for a long time, because repeated changes to the template in the search engine ranking and there are many more risks.

2: Remove Unwanted Widgets

Whenever you upload a template to your Blogger blog, by default many widgets like search box, archive, visitors count, tags, featured post etc will appear in the sidebar and footer. The more widgets you use, the effect will also be on your loading speed.

So you should use only the widgets which are more important such as recent post, popular post, social media follow button and category. I also use some of these select widgets in the sidebar in my blog, besides, I do not use any widgets in the footer as well.

3: Minimum Post on Homepage

The speed of the Home page and content page of Blog changes, you reduce the number of post to reduce the speed of the home page. I would recommend you to show 5-6 post.

To change the number of posts being displayed on the Blogger homepage, you can go to blogger setting and click on Post, comment and sharing, in the post section show no assign post to

How To Encrease The loading Speed Of Your Blog | 7 Awesome Tips
How To Encrease The loading Speed Of Your Blog | 7 Awesome Tips

4: Compress Images

Images take a lot of bandwidth to be loaded, due to this your loading speed of your blog decreases. You can increase the speed of the blog by up to 50% by simply optimizing images or compressing them.

For image compression you will find many tools online such as CompressJPEG, ImageOptimizer, but I personally use TinyPNG tool. Using these tools, you can compress images to 70-80%, but this will not affect the quality of your images.

How much is the size of the main image (KB or MB) in the blog post? 

 Ideally, the smaller the size of the image, it is good for your blog speed, but within the blog post, try to keep the image size up to 50kb. I keep the image from 25kb to 35kb in my blog.

5: Avoid Too Many Ads

Too much ads can slow down your site. Generally, in order to show advertisements within the post on the blogger, you have to add an AdSense Ad unit in every post; this ad unit is made of JavaScript, so using more ads will slow the loading speed of your blog.

6: Use Minimum CSS and JS

Use at least javascript and CSS on your blog, so do not use widgets like unnecessary popup, subscriber widget, Facebook like widget, Twitter timeline widget, heavy JavaScript like CSS code.

By default Blogspot has some JS and CSS files that you can remove if you wish. If you check the speed of your blog on the Google PageSpeed ​​tool, then you get 4 files in the render-blocking elements.

You can not remove these codes directly. If you are not sure about it, then you can search on Google about it.

7: Compress codes

By compressing the JavaScript, HTML, CSS code you are using in your blog, you can improve the blog speed. An uncompressed code may be nice to look at you, but it causes the webpage to load slowly for users.

You can compress your blog's code using the HTML Compressor tool. Once the code is compressed, this site will show you how much size you have saved. This site will notify you if any changes to your code are necessary. You can use the Code Beautifier tool to restore your compress code again.

If you do not know the basic code, then do not follow last 2 step (6 & 7). 

Note: I would recommend to you, try to keep your page load time under 3 seconds, but you do not have to worry about blog speed.

You must follow the tips given above to increase your blog's loading speed. Along with improving your blog speed, you will be able to increase bounce rate, search traffic and earning too.


Hopefully after reading this post you will be able to improve the blog speed. If you have any questions right now then you can ask in the comment below.

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